November-December 1947


Accent on elbow grease.

Number 3101 rides the turntable at the Glen - Date? Photographer?


The subtle art of make-up is not confined to the feminine world as some might believe. For the case in point let the imagination take just about the longest possible hop, from the subject of women to locomotives.

When a Canadian Pacific 3100 comes puffing smoothly into Windsor Station from Toronto, however glamorous she may appear to the passenger, she is due for a rest and check-up before resuming the night run for Toronto.

This beauty treatment and mechanical inspection takes place at Glen Yard where the engine is directed soon after her arrival in Montreal.

After being refuelled and watered for the night's run to Toronto, the engine is given a thorough washing to clean off the accumulation of dust and grime. The locomotive is thence transferred to the turntable, pointed to her proper stall, and moves in for subsequent operations.

More than 30 men are normally engaged in the job, which includes a thorough mechanical inspection inside and out, the effecting of any necessary repairs, and a complete washing and greasing which leaves the engine gleaming like new.

The accompanying photographs show how it looks when number 3100 or 3101 are getting a typical Glen going-over.

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This Spanner article is copyright 1947 by Canadian Pacific Railway Limited Image and is reprinted here with their permission. All photographs, logos, and trademarks are the property of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company.