Volume 13
Number 1
January 5, 1983
Doodler Sells Safety

 Image Safety is a priority, even a preoccupation with all good railroaders, but Bob Smith takes his safety ideas home with him.

The 43-year-old bachelor is assistant planner for Thunder Bay's one-spot shop, but he's best known for the cartoons he draws.

They hang all around the shop, and some have migrated westward across the Prairie Region.

"It started as a lark," says Mr. Smith. "I used to do it as a joke. Then it developed into something more."

"I'm just a doodler," he says. Mr. Smith has been "doodling" for about six years.

Mr. Smith received his initial coaching in poster work from Al Sharp, who retired several years ago. He refers reverently to Mr. Sharp as "the craftsman."

Most of the posters are done in the winter time, since Mr. Smith is an avid golfer. But even in winter, most years, he finds time to go to Florida for a few weeks of golf.

The subject is whatever Mr. Smith thinks needs attention, an it's a perfect way to remind employees about safety in a humorous way.

It might be a specific theme, such as reminding people to use the right tools for the right job, or it might have a basic slogan, such as "Think Safety and be a Winner!"

This CP Rail News article is copyright 1983 by the Canadian Pacific Railway and is reprinted here with their permission. All photographs, logos, and trademarks are the property of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company.