
14 December 2010

Fuel Spill on Rail Line Near
Dewitts Corners

A typical railway switch heater.

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Ottawa Ontario - An estimated 100 gallons of kerosene has leaked onto the railroad tracks near Dewitts Corners, according to an official with Ontario's Ministry of the Environment.
A passing train crew noticed the leak yesterday (13 Dec 2010) and reported it to Canadian Pacific Railway officials, said Mike Lovecchio, spokesperson for CP Rail.
The leak was reported to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment this morning (14 Dec 2010), said Paul Kehoe, the ministry's Ottawa district supervisor.
The fuel leaked from a 1,000 gallon storage tank, which is used to fuel kerosene heaters that keep railroad switches from freezing, Lovecchio said.
"The leak was actually on what we call a switch heater, which is a piece of equipment that keeps the track warm where two tracks come together," he said.
A company has been contracted to clean-up the spill, which is isolated to the area around the tracks, Kehoe said.
"They're just cleaning up the soil and they expect there's really no off-rail impacts," he said.
Lovecchio said there are no public safety issues associated with the leak and railroad traffic is operating as normal.
"Safety is our top priority, there is no risk to the public from this leak, and as I indicated, the leak has been repaired and remediation is underway," Lovecchio said.
The cause of the leak is under investigation and has not yet been determined, he added.
Kassina Ryder.

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