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    An old PGE cartoon modified to fit the Arbutus Corridor tempest in a teapot - Date unknown Anonymous Artist.
18 August 2014
Shareholder Disapproves of Land Use

Vancouver British Columbia - I have been watching the removal of community garden detritus along the Arbutus Corridor on the news.
One woman said, in regard to CP's actions, "We thought they were bluffing."
As a shareholder in CP, I take issue with the fact my money is being spent on workers and equipment to demolish and clear areas which, in effect, belong to me.
Notice, and plenty of it, was given to the gardeners that this land would be cleared.
I do understand that hard work and many years were invested in these gardens.
I do understand that a sense of community, friendship, and neighbourliness grew as well as flowers and produce.
I do understand civil disobedience.
I also understand ownership.
Catherine Ward.
Editor's Note:  Take it up at CP's next AGM (Annual General Meeting).  *O)