This Canadian coin advertisement depicts the American Central Pacific Railroad locomotive number 60 "Jupiter" - Date? Photographer?
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Canadian Coin Series Entitled "The First 100 Years of Confederation" Launched
19 January 2021

Florence Alabama USA - The Royal Canadian Mint has launched (12th January) a new three coin series entitled "The First 100 Years of Confederation", which focuses on Canadian efforts to bridge distances and come together by means of different modes of transportation, first by rail, then by sea, and finally by air.
As a country that is the world's second largest, with maritime provinces on the east coast into the Atlantic Ocean, a province bordering the Pacific Ocean, and a vast coastline bordering the Arctic Ocean, Canada is a vast territory with a crucial need to be internally connected.
One of the most significant Canadian accomplishments was the completion of the Trans-Canadian Railway network.
With the Canadian Confederation in July 1867, the creation of a Trans-Canadian Railway was initially undertaken as the national dream by the new government of Prime Minister Sir John A. Macdonald, Canada's first prime minister.
Because a voyage from coast to coast would entail four months of travel by sea, a land transport link to the East was a condition for British Columbia to join the Confederation.
The government proposed to build a railway linking the Pacific province to the Eastern provinces within 10 years from 20 Jul 1871, the same day British Columbia formally became Canada's sixth province.
The first coin in the series pays homage to the initiative, construction, and eventual completion of this extraordinary railway network from 1867 to 1914.

 Image   The Canadian Pacific Railway Company didn't exist until 1881. The Last Spike completing the transcontinental railway was driven 7 Nov 1885.

Today, the Canadian Pacific Railway owns and operates approximately 20,100 kilometres (12,500 miles) of track through six provinces of Canada and into the United States, stretching from Montreal to Vancouver, and as far north as Edmonton.
The new coin is designed by the artist Glen Green, who depicts Canada's earliest locomotive engines built by Leviathan model 440 on a single track of rail, the identification number 374 shown on the front face of the locomotive itself.

 Image   Does the author mean a 4-4-0 Standard locomotive? There were no Canadian builders named Leviathan. CP number 374 was built by the Canadian Pacific Railway in 1886 at their Delorimier Shops in Montreal. It ceremoniously pulled the first passenger train Image to arrive at Vancouver on 23 May 1887.

An ornate decor pattern surrounds the train engine and maple leaves strewn as if falling from and blowing off trees.
To the right of the primary design is the denomination of 50 DOLLARS and above is the text CANADA in stylized script.
The obverse side ties the first 100 years of Confederation together through the coins of Canada.
Depicted are all five sovereigns recreated from the original effigies included on the obverse side of Canadian coinage from 1867 to the present.
Canada's current sovereign, HM Queen Elizabeth II, is seen at the top.
Going clockwise are the effigies of King George VI (reigned 1936-1952), King George V (reigned 1910-1936), King Edward VII (reigned 1901-1910), and Queen Victoria (reigned 1867-1901).
The collection of portraits is surrounded by the titles of each sovereign in Latin along the edge with the year of issue 2021 placed in the middle of the collection of portraits.
Michael Alexander.

 Image   If you are going to promote a CANADIAN coin don't use a Yankee locomotive photograph !!!
*1. Appropriate news article image inserted.
      (because there was no image with original article)
*2. Original news article image replaced.
      (usually because it's been seen before)
News quoted by OKthePK website under the
provisions in Section 29 of the Canadian
Copyright Modernization Act.