The CP Holiday Train at Beaconsfield several years ago - Date? Photographer?
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CP Holiday Train Event Cancelled for Second Year in a Row
8 December 2021

Montreal Quebec - For the second year in a row, the Canadian Pacific Holiday Train event that rolled through the West Island has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The CP Holiday Train, one of Montreal's most popular Christmas holiday traditions, usually makes a stop at Beaconsfield train station on Elm Street after passing through other parts of the city, including a stop in Montreal West.
Instead of a holding a live music event with the train lit up in Christmas lights, CP is once again holding a virtual concert on Saturday, 18 Dec 2021.
The "Holiday Train at Home" concert, featuring Canadian Music Hall-of-Famer Steven Page, formerly of the Barenaked Ladies, and The Strumbellas, will be streamed on Facebook and YouTube at 20:00.
"Though we are disappointed we again cannot bring an in-person show to communities along our rail lines, it fills us with joy to bring together such outstanding musicians for a performance that will help feed Canadians and Americans in need. With the "Holiday Train at Home" concert, CP hopes to inspire support for food banks across North America," said CP president and CEO Keith Creel.
In 2019, more than 4,000 people packed the area around the Beaconsfield station for a live Christmas concert.
Since CP launched the Holiday Train in 1999, it has raised more than $20 million and collected 4.9 million pounds of food donations for local food banks in communities along its network.
CP intends to resume operating the annual train tour in 2022.
"The CP family looks forward to bringing the Holiday Train back on tour as soon as it's safe," Creel said.
John Meagher.

*1. Appropriate news article image inserted.
(there was no image with original article)
*2. Original news article image replaced.
(usually because it's been seen before)
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