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This is the layout at Realp prior to the construction of the Dampfbahn Furka-Bergstrecke's car storage shed. DFB trackage is on the left with Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn (MGB) lines to the right with a short connecting track joining the two lines. A DFB train rests at their station in preparation for departure on the adhesion tracks, the rack section starts farther up the canyon. To the right an MGB auto train shuttle is exiting the east portal of the 15 kilometre long Furka Base Tunnel which was opened in 1982 thereby ending the long climb over Furka Pass until the DFB re-opened the line in 2010. Auto trains carry vehicles through the base tunnel for a fee which saves a driver the long, narrow, and twisting drive over Furka Pass, especially valuable during winter as the Furkastrasse is closed. The town of Realp lies in the distance - 28 Jun 2014 Georg Trüb.
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