24 March 2009
Windsor Construction Traffic Management System Keeps Goods Flowing
Windsor Ontario - With more than $500 million in
bilateral trade generated annually over the Detroit/Windsor border, the Ontario Ministry of Transportation, Transport Canada, and the
city are partners in an ongoing project to keep goods flowing.
The first project - the $93-million, 13-kilometre widening of Highway 401 from Highway 3 to Manning Road -
is scheduled for completion
next year.
A $50-million Walker Road/Canadian Pacific Railway underpass, completed last October, was the second major expressway
project. Not only does this arterial road serve as the primary access route with the E.C. Row Expressway, the crossing is adjacent to
the Chrysler plant.
Because the rail line extends into the United States, congestion on the road became even more of a problem after the September 2001
terrorist attacks, says Masters.
"Following 9/11, the train is now subject to security checks which slowed down traffic even more."
The third project is a Howard Avenue/CPR grade separation, which is expected to get under way this summer.
After all the construction is completed, most of the fixed message signs will remain in place to monitor traffic. The portables ones
will eventually be moved to other parts of the province, says Masters.